Chickyn yn gretney

( Serves about 112 )

Original Boyle chickens in good broth, and rese the thyys and the wyngys & the brestys. Take mylke of almonds unblanched; draw up withe the same brothe & poudyr of canell & a perty of wyne, sygure, saffron, & salt. Do hit togedyr yn a pott; set on the fyre. Stere hit when hit boyles. Sesyn hit up with poudyr of gyngyr & verjus. Lay the chikenys hote yn disches. Have yolkes of eyron soden hard, and fryed a lytyll; couch on aboute the wyngez & the thyes.
My version
  • Chickens:
    • --14 broilers
    • --14 small lemons
    • --14 4 inch twigs of fresh rosemary
    • --3 to 4 tbs of whole dried sage
    • --Kosher salt
  • Almond milk:
    • --Two cups whole almonds, finely ground
    • --40 oz Can Chicken broth
    • --1/4 cup White Zinfandell Wine
  • 28 hard boiled eggs, sliced in half longwise
  • 1 tbs cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp saffron threads crushed to 1/8
  • 1/2 tbs Kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup red wine

With the broth and the ground almonds, draw up a milk, adding the zinfandell
Clean and rinse the chickens, removing the giblets & garbage. Rub the birds
inside and out woth Kosher salt. Put a twig of rosemary and a lemon into each
bird. Rub and sprinkle the sage on the birds. cover with foil and bake at 375
degrees. After a while remove the foil and rotate the pans in the oven to brown the birds. when done remove the birds, and let them rest 10 to 15 minutes, no more. Set them on platters, setting the eggs around them.
While the birds are browning, heat the almond milk, adding the sugar, spices,
and wine and bring to a light boil. wwhen it has boiled for a while and
everything is dissolved, remove from heat.
When the birds are ready, serve the sauce in bowls alongside the birds.

Notes I blew it on the verjuice, I forgot to make it ahead of time, and so I left it out. The sauce was served in bowls on the side, and the chickens were roasted with lemon and rosmary and sage. It is not exactly to the original, but it was damn good, and people were demolishing the chickens. They did not come back at all! They were loudly praised, and people were making those noises like Meg Ryan in the "restaraunt orgasm" scene from "Sleepless in Seattle" as they ate them!
Some raved about the sauce, some did not. But I expected that.
The original recipe calls for adorning the birds with the sauce, and piecing
the chickens. I did not remove the wings and legs and thighs, because the bird
were falling apart all by themselves. I cooked them 4 to a large foil roasting
pan covered with foil, and they cooked in about 3 inches of their own juices,
like they were cooked in a clay pot, and just as tender and juicy. (I lucked out on these chickens. I plan on going back to that butcher again!)
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