The Charter for the Loyal Guild of St Erasmus

This document creates and charters the Loyal Guild of Saint Erasmus, being the Nautical Arts and Science Guild of the Known World, according to the structure laid down hereafter in the following articles.


The Loyal Guild of Saint Erasmus shall primarily focus its efforts to the promotion of research and re-creation of the both Nautical and Maritime arts, sciences, history and warfare, within the period of the Society for Creative Anachronism.


To meet the goals of our mission, the Loyal Guild of Saint Erasmus shall:

A.       Develop a program to encourage research and re-creation of Nautical and Maritime arts, sciences, history and warfare, within the period of the SCA.

B      Create and encourage forums for the learning and teaching of the above, in the form of Collegia, Ithras, Universities, Arts and Sciences Tournaments, and the like.

C.     Support and sponsor nautical events by planning or participation.

D.      Promote, plan and participate in projects that illuminate the research, reconstruction and usage of period instruments and craft.

E.      Maintain a roster of members.

F.      Act as a repository and distributor of material and research related to our field of study.

G.      Produce forums to publish articles related to our field of study, such as a guild newsletter, pamphlets, booklets, web sites and e-mail lists.

H.      Provide a reference point for people researching seagoing personas and personas that would have had an occasion to encounter seagoing people.


Membership in Saint Erasmus is open to any gentle that has an interest in Nautical and/or Maritime arts, sciences, history and/or warfare.
This membership is not restricted to SCA members only. Associate memberships will be granted to members of other re-enactment groups, in accordance with the Bylaws. A member will be anyone who has expressed interest in our goals and has submitted an application for membership to the guild.


The Administrative Body of the Guild will consist of the following officer positions. These positions and their responsibilities are as described in the Bylaws.

A.     The Principal Guild Officer shall be known as the Syndic.

B.      SCA Kingdom Principal Guild Officers shall be known as Patrons.

C.      SCA Kingdom Secondary Guild Officers shall be known as Deputy Patrons.

D.      Non-SCA Principal Guild Officers shall be known as Ambassadors.

E.      Non-SCA Secondary Guild Officers shall be known as Deputy Ambassadors.

F.      SCA sub-Kingdom Principal Guild Officers shall be known as Wardens.


The ruling body of the guild shall be known as the Guild Council. It is responsible for representing the membership in all matters concerning the guild. It shall furthermore, aid the membership in all guild-related endeavors. The Guild Council shall consist of all Guild Patrons, Ambassadors, Deputy Patrons, Deputy Ambassadors and the Guild Syndic.


Any SCA branch or non-SCA group may petition to form a chapter of the guild, in accordance with its Bylaws.


Events and activities falling under the auspices of the Guild shall be carried out in accordance with all applicable laws and rules, both mundane and organizational.


This charter may be amended by the guild membership in accordance with the Bylaws.

- Arthus Grawolf de'Winterton
Patron of the Loyal Guild of St Erasmus, An Tir

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