Mouse Over for Region Chart 

(Identify NSO's and compare to Chart)

Processing Data: Object Info:
Negatives - November 1998 NGC 891 is one of the best examples of a spiral edge-on Galaxy with exquisite detail evident in the central dust lanes, especially when viewed in larger telescopes. In addition to NGC 891, this field is ripe with Galactic and NSO (Non-Stellar Object) objects, all a good test for the magnitude limitations and resolving power of the instrument. The most obvious NSO is Galaxy NGC 898 which is a Spiral Galaxy shinning at Mag. 13.8, in the lower right center of this field. There are many other NSO's in this field, the underlying chart is a good reference point for identifying these objects. 
Meade 5" ED Refractor F/9
Manual Guiding
Pentax K1000 Body
Kodak PJM Multispeed, Unhypered
1 x 50 Min.Exposures
Image Stacking in Picture Window
Digital Enhanced Curves and AV in Photoshop 5.5
Processing Info: This is a later processed  version of negative shot in 1998,   Originally processed in December 2000 using ACER Scanwit 2720S, reprocessed October 2001, Chart underlay added December 2001, curves and balance in Photo Shop. This picture may reach as deep as Mag. 15.5, which is at or beyond the advertised photographic limit of the OTA. 


Object Details Courtesy Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Robert Burnham, Jr.  (1978 Dover Publications) 
Chart Region by Megastar (version 4.01)