Processing Data: Object Info:
Negatives - March 1997 The triple Galaxy cluster of M65 (Left, Mag. 10.3), M66 (Top, Mag. 9.7) and NGC 3628 (Mag. 10.3) is a beautiful photographic field due to the surface brightness and the mix of all three objects, two off-set spiral galaxies and the edge-on NGC 3628. This field makes a good test of both resolution and equipment limits, tradeoff during processing made to enhance faint detail since my setup is not optimized for this field size.  
Meade 5" ED Refractor F/9
Manual Guiding
Pentax K1000 Body
Kodak PJM Multispeed, Unhypered
2 x 60 Min.Exposures
Image Stacking in Picture Window
Digital Enhanced in Photoshop
Processing Info: Galaxy processing recipe for maximum resolution as follows: Scan (full raw resolution output), Register, Composite (Blend in PW) , Rotate (flip horizontal), Invert (to positive), AV (using Matt BenDaniel process), Curves (at least 2 layers needed), Scratch Repair, DNR (Mike Cook) and/or BG Smooth, Final Curves/Color Balance). I gravitate toward Mike Cook's DNR noise reduction due to the control, instead of BGSmooth. I use it as an action in my PS. 


Object Details Courtesy Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Robert Burnham, Jr.  (1978 Dover Publications)